AC Cloze


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AC Cloze 
Sightseeing in Tokyo 




Missing Words

 [演習]この 演習の目的 この演習では、文中にいくつかの未知語があったと仮定し、これを初めから伏せ字として読み進みます。



[1] まず第1パラグラフをSG リーディングし、読了後、要旨をできるだけ簡潔な和文で口頭要約。

[2] 残りのパラグラフを SG リーディングし、それぞれ要旨を簡潔な和文で口頭要約。

[3] 最後に第1〜3パラグラフの伏せ字部分にそれぞれどのような意味の単語が入るか推測したのち、音声を聞いて確認。

The second reason why Asia will not dominate relates to the first. Militarily, the US and

Europe are very much ahead of Asia, and this will remain the case in the 21st century.

Although military (......................) should be replaced somewhat by economic (.....................) as

the main source of power in the 21st century, man is a very unpredictable creature, the

world is still an unstable place, and the need for military capability will still be required for

insurance against the Iraqs and the North Koreans of this world. And just as Great Britain

ruled the waves in the 19th century, and as (.................) Americana’s defence (......................)

protected much of the world in the latter half of the 20th century, a global ‘cop on the

(...............)’, or a global policeman, is still required to ensure peace and (....................).

   1) beat,   2) capability,   3) leverage,   4) pax,   5) stability,   6) umbrella

And l just can’t foresee nations of Asia being in a position to co-operate on defence

matters in the foreseeable future: Japan’s constitution effectively prevents its armed

forces from (..................) outside Japan except on extremely (...................) peacekeeping

operations; and there are more territorial (.....................) in this part of the world than in any

other, for example, the Spratly Islands; and also China’s intentions on military matters

are (................).             * Spratly Islands 南沙諸島

   1) disputes,   2) limited,   3) unclear,   4) venturing

Now, all this means that there is an incentive for each option to look after its individual

defence requirements individually, and not (...................), and the US will continue to be

involved in the defence needs of region. It won’t want to, but if it doesn’t. the result

may be instability in the region (..................) to US interests, and in a region that the US

wants to be part of, even though it will find it (....................) difficult to be part of this region

in the future.

   1) collectively,   2) increasingly,   3) vital



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