Lesson 3

リエゾン通訳練習 ビジネス編  3. Factory Workers

 Hi. Welcome to Video On Demand Liaison Interpreter Training. In this course we learn to speak and translate Business English at the same time. We encourage you to practice our lessons as often as possible until everything is translated naturally. This lesson consists of two parts. Part One; dialogues and Part Two; a speech.  Before each of the parts a list of useful expressions and words are given. Let's start Part I.

Part I  Dialogue Interpreting

Useful Expressions

1.What percentage is female?



  What is the academic background of the line operators?


  Do you use a shift system?

You are the interpreter in this skit.

  You will hear a dialogue between two people. One speaks English and the other Japanese.You are required to translate by whispering into the other language what each speaker says as soon as each speaker finishes a segment. You may take notes if you wish. Stop the video, if necessary.

Dialogue 1

B:  Mr. Batangan, Manager (Human Resources and General Affairs)   人事・総務

H:  Ms. Hashimoto, Assistant Manager (HQ Human Resources and General Affairs)

I:  Interpreter


H: 一日の労働時間はどのくらいですか。

 I: F: How long do they work a day?

B: Eight hours.

 I: 八時間です。

H:  女子従業員の比率は何割ですか。

 I: What percentage is female?

B: Approximately 70%.

 I: 約70%です。

H:  直間比の割合はどのくらいですか。

 I: What percentage of manpower is direct, and what percentage is indirect?

B: Approximately 85% is direct, and 15% is indirect.

 I: 直接部門は85%で、間接部門が15%です。

H: 製造ラインの作業員の学歴はどうなっていますか。

 I: What is the academic background of the line operators?

B: Most of them are high school graduates.

 I: ほとんどがハイスクールを卒業しています。

H:  作業の交代制はありますか。

 I: Do you use a shift system?

B: No, we don’t.

 I: ありません。

H:  始業時間と就業時間はどうなっていますか。

 I: What time do you start and finish your work?

B: We start at 8:45 a.m. and finish at 5:30 p.m.

 I: 午前8時45分から午後5時30分です。

H:  残業はどうですか。

 I: Do you have to work much overtime?

B: Yes, we have to do some.

 I: 時々行っています。


1.What percentage is male?

2.What is the academic background of the assembly line workers?

3.What time do they start their work?

4.Do you have to work much overtime?

Dialogue 2

B:  Mr. Fuller, a visitor

H:  Ms. Kimura, Assistant Manager (HQ Human Resources and General Affairs)

I:  Interpreter

F:  How long do they work a day?

 I:  一日の労働時間はどのくらいですか。

K:  八時間です。

 I: Eight hours.

:F:  What percentage is female?

 I:  女子従業員の比率は何割ですか。

:K: 約50%です。

 I:  Approximately 50%

F:  What percentage of manpower is direct, and what percentage is indirect?

 I: 直間比の割合はどのくらいですか。

K:  直接部門は70%で、間接部門が30%です。

 I:  Approximately 70% is direct, and 30% is indirect.

F:  What is the academic background of the line operators?

 I:  製造ラインの作業員の学歴はどうなっていますか。

K:  ほとんどが高等専門学校を卒業しています。

 I:  Most of them are graduates from techinical colleges.

F:  Do you use a shift system?

 I:  作業の交代制はありますか。

K:  はい、2交代制になっています。

 I:  Yes, we have 2 shifts.

F:  What time do you start and finish your work?

 I:  始業時間と就業時間はどうなっていますか。

K:  日勤は午前8時45分から午後5時30分です。

 I:  The day shift is from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

F:  Do you have to work much overtime?

 I:  残業はどうですか。

K:  この頃は不況のためあまりありません。

 I:  Nowadays, not much because of recession.



A: What is the academic background of your engineers?

B: ほとんどが大学を卒業しています。

A: Do you use a shift system?

B: ありません。

A: What time do you start and finish your work?

B: 午前9時から午後5時30分です。

A: Do you have to work much overtime?

B: 月に1〜2回あります。

Part II  Speech

  You will hear a speech which will be read without any breaks.  When each part has been completed, you are required to give a summarized rendering of it in Japanese.  You should take notes while listening.  You are to start interpreting within 30 seconds after the passage has been read.


  the Congress                                           本会議

  consider                           検討する

  item 5 of the agenda                   議題第5号

  the election of members to the Committee   委員会構成員の選出

  Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedure        議事運営規則第22号

    secretary                                           秘書官、 書記官

  already designated by the Committee      すでに委員会の指名を受けた

  provide                         規定する

  the election shall be by secret ballot      秘密投票とする

 I now invite the Congress to consider Item 5 of the Agenda relating to the election of members to the Committee.  According to Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedure, three members are to be elected to the commitee.

  I draw the attention of the Congress to Paragraph 4 of the secretary's report, which lists the members already designated by the Committee.  

 Rule 27 of the Rules of Procedure provides that the election shall be by secret ballot

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