Lesson 2

リエゾン通訳練習 ビジネス編 2.  Cultural Differences

  Hi. Welcome to Video On Demand Interpreter Training. In this course we learn to speak and translate Business English at the same time. We encourage you to practice our lessons as often as possible until everything is translated naturally. This lesson consists of two parts. Part One; dialogues and Part Two; a speech.  Before each of the parts a list of useful expressions and words are given.

Part I  Dialogue Interpreting

Useful Expressions

1.Please wear our ID badge while you are in the plant.


2.Now, what would you like to have for lunch?


3.Do you know Moslem workers can’t eat any pork?



  You are the interpreter in this skit.

  You will hear a dialogue between two people. One speaks English and the other Japanese.You are required to translate by whispering into the other language what each speaker says as soon as each speaker finishes a segment. You may take notes if you wish. Stop the video, if necessary.

Dialogue 1

B:  Mr. Batangan, Manager (Human Resources and General Affairs)   人事・総務

H:  Ms. Hashimoto, Assistant Manager (HQ Human Resources and General Affairs)

I:  Interpreter


The lunch bell rings. Everyone rushes to the cafeteria.

B:  Please wear our ID badge while you are in the plant, and return it to the General Affairs Department when you leave.

  I: 工場に居られる間はIDバッジをつけて置いてください。お帰りになる時に総務課にお返しください。

(In the Cafeteria)

H: すごく混んでいますね。

  I:   It is crowded.

B:  Everybody eats here, you know. Now, what would you like to have for lunch?

  I: 皆がここで食事します。 さて、何になさいますか。

H: ポークチョップとサラダにします。

 I:  I am going to have the pork chop and salad.

B:  Do you know Moslem workers can’t eat any pork?

 I: 回教徒は豚を食べない事はご存知ですか。

H: え、本当ですか。

  I:  Oh, really?.

B:  It’s a custom in Moslem countries not to eat pork. About 40% of the workers in our plant are Moslem, and 10% are Hindu.  Hindu people don’t eat beef.

  I:  回教の国では豚肉を食べない事になっています。ここの工場では従業員の40%が回教徒で10%がヒンズー教徒です。ヒンズー教徒は牛肉を食べないのです。

H: 回教などの異文化を理解するのは大変に重要な事ですね。

  I:  I can see that it is very important for us to understand the differences between our culture and Moslem customs.

B:  The plants in Malaysia provide areas where Moslem workers can pray during their working hours.

  I:  マレーシアの工場では回教徒の従業員のためにお祈りする時間も用意されています。

H: お祈りの場所は製造ラインの近くにあるのですか。

  I:  Is the prayer room for Moslem workers located near the production line?

B:  No. The prayer rooms are in a different part of the factory away from the production line. Men and women have separate prayer rooms.

  I: いいえ。お祈りの部屋は製造ラインから離れたところにあります。男女別にお祈りする場所が用意されています。


1.Are all Malaysians vegetarians?

2.For which religious group does this factory provide prayer rooms?

3.Who do not eat beef?

Dialogue 2

F:  Mr. Fuller,  a visitor

H:  Ms. Kimura, Assistant Manager (HQ Human Resources and General Affairs)

I:  Interpreter

K: Mr. フラー、 工場に居られる間はIDバッジをつけてください。 お帰りになる時に総務課にお返しください。ではカフェテリアに行きましょう。

  I:  Mr. Fuller, please wear our ID badge while you are in the plant, and return it to the General Affairs Department when you leave. Let's go to the cafeteria.

F:  Wow. It is crowded.

  I: すごく混んでいますね。

K: 全従業員がここで食事します。さて、Mr. フラー 何になさいますか。

  I:  All the employees eat here, you know.  And Mr. Fuller, what would you like to have for lunch?

F:  I am going to have chicken curry and salad. 

  I: チキン・カレーとサラダにします。

H: カレーといえば、ここの工場ではヒンズー教の従業員がいるんですよ。彼らのうちの2人は菜食主義です。

 I: Speaking of curry, we have some Hindus here at this factory and two of them are vegetarians.

F:  In our factory we have Jewish-American people and we feel it is very important for us to understand the cultural differences.

 I: 私たちの工場にはユダヤ系アメリカ人がいます。異文化を理解するのは大変に重要だと思っています。

K:  東南アジアの工場には回教徒の従業員のためにお祈りする時間が用意されているところもあるそうです。

 I: I heard some plants in Southeast Asia provide areas where Moslem workers can pray during their working hours.

F:  Is the prayer room for Moslem workers located near the production line?

  I: お祈りの場所は製造ラインの近くにあるのですか。

K: いいえ。お祈りの部屋は製造ラインから離れたところにあります。男女別にお祈りする場所が用意されています。

  I:  No. The prayer rooms are in a different part of the factory away from the production line. And men and women have separate prayer rooms.

Review Exercise

Translate the Japanese parts into English.


B:  Let's go to the dining room.

A: すごく混んでいますね。

B:  Yes, everybody eats here, you know. Now, what would you like to have?

A: 焼きそばと焼き魚がおいしそうですね。それからワンタン・スープをお願いいたします。

B:  Ok. Here you are. By the way, do you know Moslem workers don’t eat any pork?

A: はい。ユダヤ教の人達も豚肉やエビなどを食べないそうですね。

Part II   Speech

  You will hear a speech which will be read without any breaks.  When each part has been completed, you are required to give a summarized rendering of it in Japanese.  You should take notes while listening.  You are to start interpreting within 30 seconds after the passage has been read.


  vulnerability     脆弱さ

  be aware of   気がついている

  holistic       全体的な、 総合的な

  integrated    統合的な、 総合的な

  preservation     保護、 保存

   It is with great pleasure to be asked to send this greeting on this important occasion.   

  As we have come into the new millennium, we are learning to appreciate both the value and the vulnerability of our global environment. 

  We are also increasingly aware of the fact that sustainable development requires a holistic understanding of global environmental change.   

  A major challenge to us is to develop a more integrated approach.

  I warmly welcome this timely initiative of this international conference.  

  I hope that this conference will lead to more consistent approaches, and so contribute to the preservation of our most valuable planet, the Earth.

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