Lesson 1

リエゾン通訳練習 1.  Describing the Factory

  Hi. Welcome to Video On Demand Liaison Interpreter Training. In this course we learn to speak and translate Business English at the same time. We encourage you to practice our lessons as often as possible until everything is translated naturally. This lesson consists of two parts. Part One; dialogues and Part Two; a speech.  Before each of the parts a list of useful expressions and words are given. Let's start Part One.

Part I   Dialogue Interpreting

Useful Expressions

1.Is this your first trip abroad? You must be very tired


2.Let's get down to business.    


3. This plant was founded in 1990.  


4.What is the approximate size of the production area?


5.The floor space is 490 square meters. 


Part I  Dialogue Interpreting

   You will hear a dialogue between two people. One speaks English and the other Japanese.You are required to translate by whispering into the other language what each speaker says as soon as each speaker finishes a segment. You may take notes if you wish. Stop the video, if necessary.

   At the end of this dialogue there will be a few questions, you are to answer them in  English.

Dialogue 1 

This dialogue takes place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ms. Hashimoto of Kifler Company visits Mr. Batangan who is the Human Resources and General Affiars of her company's Malaysian plant.

B: Mr. Batangan, Manager (Human Resources and General Affairs)   人事・総務

F: Ms. Hashimoto, Assistant Manager (HQ Human Resources and General Affairs)

I: Interpreter  You are the interpreter in this skit.

B: Welcome to Kuala Lumpur, Ms. Hashimoto. I’m Erwin Batangan, Manager of Human Resources and General Affairs.

I: クアラルンプールにようこそ橋本さん。 人事・総務部のアーウィン・バタンガンです。

H: バタンガンさん、はじめまして。お待たせしました。

I:  Mr. Batangan, Nice to meet you. Thank you for waiting.

B:  Is this your first trip abroad, Ms. Hashimot? You must be very tired.

I: 海外の工場への出張は初めてですか。お疲れでしょう。

H: 東京からマレーシアまで 8時間かかりましたが、フライトが快適でしたから寝ましたよ。では、仕事に取り掛かりましょう。

I:  It took eight hours from Tokyo to Malaysia, but my flight was nice and I could get some sleep. So, let's can get down to business.

B: Good, then, let me give you some general information about this plant. This plant was founded in 1990 for the production of telephone devices. Our monthly production is approximately 900,000 units. 

I: はい。では、当工場の概要を説明いたしましょう。この工場は1990年に電話機器の製造をするために建てられました。1ヶ月の生産は約90万台です。

H: 工場の大きさはどのくらいですか。

I:  What is the approximate size of the production area?

B: The floor space is 490 square meters.

I: 床面積は490平方メートルです。

H: なるほど。

I:  I see.

End of Dialogue 1


Anwer in English.

1.   How did Ms. Hashimoto go to Kuala Lumpur?

2.   Who is Mr. Batangan?

3.   What do they produce at the plant?


Dialogue 2 

 This is the second dialogue. You are the liaison interpreter, so translate the dialogue into both languages.  The dialogue takes place in Kobe. Mr. Fuller, an American visitor comes to see Ms. Kimura at her factory.  

B: Mr. Fuller,  a visitor  

K: Ms. Kimura, Assistant Manager (HQ Human Resources and General Affairs)

I: Interpreter


K: 神戸にようこそ、 フラーさん。 人事・総務部の岡野です。

I:  Welcome to Kobe, Mr. Fuller. I’m Hashimoto, Assistant Manager of Human Resources and General Affairs.

F:  Ms. Kimura, Nice to meet you. Thank you for waiting.

I:  木村さん、はじめまして。お待たせしました。

K: 海外の工場への出張は初めてですか。お疲れでしょう。

I:  Not at all. Is this your first trip abroad?  You must be very tired.

F:  It took 13 hours from Los Angeles to Kobe, but my flight was nice and I could get some sleep. So, let's get down to business.

I: ロスから神戸まで13時間かかりましたが、フライトが快適でしたから寝ましたよ。では、仕事に取り掛かりましょう。

K: はい。では、当工場の概要を説明いたしましょう。この工場は1990年に電話機器の製造をするために建てられました。1ヶ月の生産は約90万台です。

I:  Good, then, let me give you some general information about this plant. This plant was founded in 1990 for the production of telephone devices. Our monthly production is approximately 900,000 units. 

F:  What is the approximate size of the production area?

I: 工場の大きさはどのくらいですか。

K: 床面積は490平方メートルです。

I:   The floor space is 490 square meters.

F:   I see.

I:  なるほど。

End of Dialogue 2


Review Exercise

   Let's review the lesson. Translate the Japanese lines into English.


A: 神戸にようこそ。 人事・総務部の木村です。

B:  Nice to meet you. Thank you for waiting.

A: 海外の工場への出張は初めてですか。お疲れでしょう。

B:  It took 16 hours from Lima to Kobe, but my flight was nice and I could get some sleep. So, let's get down to business.

A: はい。では、当工場の概要を説明いたしましょう。この工場は1993年に電話機器の製造をするために建てられました。1ヶ月の生産は約95万台です。

B:  What is the approximate size of the production area?

A: 床面積は640平方メートルです。

B:  I see.

Part II   Speech

  You will hear a speech which will be read without any breaks. When each part has been completed, you are required to give a summarized rendering of it in Japanese. You should take notes while listening. You are to start interpreting within 30 seconds after the passage has been read.


   moderate              会議の司会をする

  Sustainable Environment    持続可能な環境 

   Could you please be seated?   ご着席ください。

  I am privileged to have the opportunity to welcome you to The International Conference on Sustainable Environment here in Tokyo.

I am (Mr./Ms.         ), and I’m honored to moderate this morning session.   It is indeed my pleasure to introduce all the speakers.  I would like to start by reading a message from the Minister of Agriculture, Ms. Sally Ananda.


               Were you able to focus on the main ideas in each of the passages?

               Repeat this lesson if you were unable to translate quickly.

               See you in the next lesson.

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